Happy Holidays
from the Robletos
(and some of these photobombers)

Before we get started...
While there was so much that brought us joy, this year was not without its challenges.

Early 2022 was consumed with the declining health and eventual passing of Greg's dad on March 9, 2022. In the months prior, we tried to take as much advantage as we could of our time with him, and created memories that will be cherished forever. Our hearts were completely broken by the loss and we were deeply touched and grateful for our expansive support network.

Exactly four months to the day after one loss, we suffered another. This time, it was our dear dog Bailey. We had some rocky beginnings but he provied to be the most loyal pet we have ver had. We love dhim so hard, and vice versa.

What we enjoyed in 2022
Highlight of 2022
By November we were ready for a major espace, when Selena's brother Dean suggested we see him in the Middle East, we gladly accepted. It was a much needed respite, a cultural awakening, and an adventure of a lifetime.

The things that matter…
Our friends, #family, and animals We've connected with more friends (old and new) and family, far and wide in 2022 than any other year. We cannot stress enough how much this fills our hearts and fed our souls, especially this past year. The people and activities in our lives from crafting lightsabers to making dumplins are the things that keep us going. If you are reading this, thank you for being in our lives

Our kids staying active. Skateboarding, swim, dive, tennis, music anad Kaylee's first hands-on theatre experience running tech!

Our Community Greg serving on the pool board as tennis char, a local board game convention, a Little Free Library party and the return of the apple butter cookoff!
Our mental health Greg took a long-deserved sabbatical from work starting in fall to recharge

Our Travels In addition to our big trip, there were two other firsts for us. We visited Pittsburge, PA and also discovered the adorable Disney-eseque town of Smithville, ND when we attended our first wedding n years of our friend Nicole.